About Rita Pirkl
Hi! I’m Rita Pirkl.
I am a modern day shaman, engaging with the luminous nature of reality. I am here to birth and dream a world of possibility, a world where the air is breathable, the rivers run clean, and all species live in harmony. I am here in service to help us find connection and healing from nature; and, I am here for the planet to dream a future where harmony and balance prevail.
As a shaman I live with ease and grace with one foot in the visible, physical world and one foot in the invisible, energetic world. I dance between these two worlds to bring what needs to be born from the energetic and to return what needs to die to source, to spirit. What I have observed over the years is most of my clients are very familiar and comfortable with the physical world of matter, but few initially see and understand the world of energy. My role as a shaman is to energetically birth what needs to be born and to help die what no longer serves you.
My personal journey has been long and at times both arduous and tedious. Yet, over and over again, I have stepped into the void, even into the abyss, to explore the depths of my humanity and the depths of my souls calling; to heal what needed to heal. More often than not, I didn’t think I was ready, and on more than one occasion, I wasn’t sure I would survive, but Spirit, my ancestors, helpers and healing guides consistently showed up to show me the way to freedom, to wholeness, and to joy in my life. This is possible for you too.
As a shaman, I have been initiated into the healing traditions of the Q’ero lineage of the high Andes of Peru. The Q’ero are the Earth Keepers, the Wisdom Keepers of South America and Andean Mysticism.I have trained with Dr. Alberto Villoldo and Marcella Lobos of The Four Winds Society, and travelled to Sacred Sites with the Q’ero to participate in Ceremony. I have completed and continue to complete Master level classes with The Four Winds. I have studied with Sandra Ingerman and don Oscar Miro-Quesada, and studied the works of Joan Parisi Wilcox of Q’enti Wasi. I have also received certifications in Massage Therapy, Healing Touch and Reiki.
I believe…
I believe we are all responsible for our own healing and that our bodies have an innate ability to heal.
I believe we are all spiritual beings re-remembering who we are and trying to find our way home.
I believe there is a place for “alternative” healing within the western health care system and at times we need to employ both.
I believe changing one’s perceptual state opens space for insight and learning.
I believe ancestral trauma and patterns of illness (inherited DNA) negatively imprints on our Energy Field and passes from generation to generation unless healed.
I believe nature-based remedies, nutrition through food, and physical exercise play a significant role in our well being.
I believe the release of shame, anger and fear must be wrapped in self compassion and love to be lasting.
I believe that instant gratification is a bit like the myth of Parsifal; it appears only after doing the real work of transformation.
I believe that love is the basis for all true healing.
I believe that forgiveness is not about the other, but about gifting ourselves true personal freedom.
I believe that evolution can happen within a generation.
I believe in a world where the Creator is not separate from the Creation, Heaven is not separate from Earth and Spirit and Matter infuse each other.
Ayni is a state of being where we are in right relationship with our self, our community and Spirit.
In respect of Ayni we donate a portion of our fees to support the following organizations.

“Rita is a gifted healer. A comforting presence, she is intuitive and attuned. She is intentional in her work and extremely respectful, making it very easy to allow for the healing to happen. I highly recommend Rita. ”
— Renee | Portland, OR
There is a difference between “curing” and “healing.” Curing is the business of doctors. Healing is the business of the shaman.